Staff Spotlight: Learning Success Coach

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Every student has their own unique vision of what their path to success looks like. At ASU Prep Digital, each student is assigned a Learning Success Coach in order to support their specific needs, from setting goals to figuring out what learning style best serves them and planning their path to college. Whether they want to become a better leader, be more independent, or manage their time more efficiently, their Learning Success Coach is committed to helping them achieve personal growth.

In the first meeting, your child will introduce themselves and express any fears, expectations, or ambitions before they begin designing their schedule. Are there any issues or obstacles they faced in their previous school that prevented them from achieving success? This is the perfect opportunity for your child to open up and allow the Learning Success Coach to get to know them on a personal level.

As they discuss what the future holds for them, they will develop short and long-term goals, and the Learning Success Coach will help them create a plan to stay on track. Does your child have the desire to start their own business or pursue a professional sport? Sharing important insights like this will allow them to craft a high school experience that will best support these goals. The Learning Success Coach will also guide them as they begin exploring potential college majors and career pathways. Whether they want to enroll in college courses in high school or plan a visit to campus, the success coach will help your child stay organized with applications and deadlines.   

After establishing a strong understanding of your child’s needs, the Learning Success Coach will work closely with you and your child’s teachers to establish the personalized learning environment that best suits them. Providing background information and context around your child’s specific situation allows teachers to better relate to your child. Students can customize their schedule based on their activities outside the classroom, giving them the flexibility to focus on their passions. For example, if their goal is to play soccer professionally and devote more time to training in the mornings, they can plan to study and complete coursework in the afternoon.

Additionally, they’re in control of setting their own pace based on their unique learning style, whether they want to spend more time on a challenging topic or move ahead quickly without having to wait for the rest of the class to catch up. The best part is, your child will be supported every step along the way. Teachers and learning success coaches are available to communicate with students based on their preferred method of contact, whether it’s through video chat, email, phone call, or text message.

If your child is ready to take charge of their education, we’re ready to welcome them into our community of independent learners. Schedule a call with an admissions advisor today and help them reach their full potential.