Celebrate National Online Learning Day with ASU Prep Digital

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September 15th is National Online Learning Day—a day that celebrates the advancements in technology that allow us to learn from anywhere, anytime. It’s a day that honors YOU, our incredible community of online learners, educators, and supporters!

ASU Prep Digital is proud to offer its K–12 learners an innovative online curriculum with flexibility, learner-centered instruction, and the ability to study from anywhere in the world— all with the guidance of our supportive staff. We’re proud to see our students succeed as they prep for college, prep for careers, and prep for life.

So on this day dedicated to highlighting the advantages and achievements of online learning, we’re inviting you, our ASU Prep Digital families, to celebrate by sharing your love for our online learning community on social media. Your stories, experiences, and voices matter. They inspire us, they drive us, and most importantly, they have the power to inspire others.

Share Your Story: What does online learning mean to you? How has ASU Prep Digital made a difference in your life or your child’s life? Share your story on social media using the hashtag #ASUPrepDigital and #NationalOnlineLearningDay. Your journey could be the inspiration someone else needs to explore the world of online learning.

Post a Picture: A picture is worth a thousand words. Post a picture of your favorite study spot, your virtual classroom setup, or a screenshot of an online class in action. Don’t forget to tag your post with #ASUPrepDigital and #NationalOnlineLearningDay!

Spread the Love: Do you know a teacher who goes above and beyond? Or maybe there’s a course or program at ASU Prep Digital that you absolutely love? Send the instructor a message or shout it out on social media and let the world know what makes ASU Prep Digital special to you.

Invite Others: Do you know someone who could benefit from online learning? Invite them to explore ASU Prep Digital. Your recommendation could open up a world of opportunities for someone else.

By sharing your experiences, you’re not only celebrating the benefits of online learning, but you’re also strengthening our ASU Prep Digital community. You’re helping us show the world what online learning is truly capable of—transforming lives, empowering students, and making education accessible to everyone.

This September 15th, let’s celebrate our achievements, our progress, and our shared commitment to learning without limits. We can’t wait to see your posts and hear your stories!