How to Thrive as a Digital Teacher in 2022

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It can be hard to keep New Year’s resolutions, but if there’s one that teachers should commit to when January rolls around, it’s to enroll in one of the new training courses debuting in 2022 on the ASU Prep Digital online training portal.

Arizona teachers can enroll in both of these courses for free and earn Professional Development credit for completing them.

Educators face the increasing demand to offer both in-person and virtual learning opportunities for students navigating their education in a post-pandemic world. These two training courses are designed to immerse teachers in the evolving landscape of virtual learning by giving them the tools to succeed as an instructor of digital and blended content. Each covers a series of important topics:

Thriving as a Digital Teacher 
In this course, you’ll learn how to translate your teaching experience to an online environment and thrive as a digital instructor. You’ll master everything from the basic tools and tactics needed to effectively teach online to best practices and commonly used terminology.
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Introduction to Blended Learning
Blended learning helps teachers meet the diverse needs of the students they work with. Having transitioned their education to an online setting during the pandemic, thousands of students are now looking for hybrid learning options where they can continue their studies partially online and partially in the classroom. In this course, you’ll learn how to merge in-person teaching methods with online learning technology to create a powerful and personalized hybrid learning experience.
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As we enter the new year, there’s much that’s uncertain, but one thing is for sure: online learning is here to stay. ASU Prep Digital’s teacher training portal is ready to equip teachers with all they need to thrive in a digital classroom.

Visit the ASU Prep Digital training portal to download free resources, watch professional development videos or enroll in an asynchronous online training course. Simply sign up for a free account and get started today.