Arte Sana: The healing power of art

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In the Spanish language, “Arte Sana” translates to “Art Heals,” a powerful and succinct summary of the incredible work done by ASU Prep Digital student Rory Fortunado. At just eight years old, Rory embarked on a passion project that has grown into a lifeline for many: art therapy kits for cancer patients.

Art therapy has long been recognized as a potent tool for healing. The American Psychiatric Association notes that art can help individuals express difficult emotions and navigate complex thoughts. It’s a method proven to aid in trauma recovery and mental health, engaging the mind, body, and spirit in unique ways that verbal communication alone cannot achieve.

Rory’s project, born out of her third-grade passion project at ASU Prep Digital, blossomed into something much more meaningful. Together with her younger sister Remi and their family, Rory began creating art kits, filling them with coloring books, crayons, and other art supplies. These kits are donated to oncology offices in Tucson, Arizona, where anyone can pick them up and use them.

The feedback from patients who have used these art kits is overwhelmingly positive. Many reported experiencing lower stress and anxiety, feelings of calm and happiness, a welcome distraction from pain or stressful thoughts, and a sense of accomplishment from creating something unique. One patient shared how coloring with her mother, a dementia patient, helped them reconnect and experience joy amidst health battles.

Research supports these anecdotal experiences. The American Scientist highlights the therapeutic benefits of engaging in creative activities. A review by the National Library of Medicine found significant connections between art, healing, and public health.

The Fortunado family’s project is a testament to the transformative power of art. Their work shines a light on the potential of young minds when guided by passion and purpose. ASU Prep Digital is proud to be part of this journey.

Rory’s story is proof that it’s never too early to make an impact. For more information about ASU Prep Digital and how our innovative and personalized educational programs are preparing students to make a difference, attend an upcoming information session or call the admissions team at 844.692.3372.