De-Stress and Decompress: Tips For Dealing With The Last Weeks of School

Written by Aubrie Buldain

We have almost made it, guys! The last month of school is almost here, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are extremely excited. Now, the only downside is that everyone’s favorite thing comes with the end of the year. Can you guess what it is? That’s right, end of the year testing.

Some may be dealing with state testing, and others may be dealing with more serious tests such as the ACT and the SAT. Although this time of the school year can be chaotic and nerve-racking, here are some tips to keep in mind as we come to the final countdown of the school year.

Mental Health Isn’t Just All Mental-Although it’s called mental health, it’s not all mental. Your body is also in charge of keeping your anxiety levels down. During stressful times it’s easy for us to prioritize other things over our physical well-being, but it’s important to keep up with our good eating habits and exercise routines. Regular physical activity has been proven to reduce anxiety by up to 20%. So why not go outside for a walk? Or play a sport with your friends? Whatever you need to do to get you moving, get out there! Don’t forget to prioritize sleep as well. People who sleep less than eight hours a night are reported to have higher stress levels than those who get eight to ten hours of sleep nightly.

Time Management-I know I’m not the best when it comes to time management. During the testing season, it can be hard to schedule yourself for studying, regular school, and also just day-to-day life. So during this season, use tools such as google calendar, the reminders app, or even just a planner to make a set schedule to keep you on track for school and make it available for other activities.

Don’t Let Tests Get The Best Of You-Don’t let tests get the best of you. Although we are constantly told that good grades will help us get into good colleges and that high test scores will help, grades don’t define us as a person. Don’t let the stress of the testing season overwhelm you. In fact, take breaks when needed. Watch a comfort movie of yours that makes you laugh, call a friend and ask to hang out, or take a day to yourself; whatever you need to do to calm down, then do it.